Thursday, 25 June 2015



基于他有《历史片催眠症候群》的过去记录,我预计他很快就要进入“甚深禅定”。呵呵... 😤


“我要看啊!这个盗墓的很好看。我要睡的时候我自己会去睡。  ”


午夜一声巨响,古墓被炸开!盗墓贼从墓中盗出了过百样的陪葬品。一切是那么的天衣无缝,直到其中一个盗墓贼酒后失言,案子才有了转机... *看得好紧张* 😱


... 10分钟后,某人果不其然坐在椅子上东歪西倒的,就差没有鼻鼾声 😂 ...

我轻轻的推推他:“来,去睡啦~” *好温柔哦~ 😜 *


...涉及的盗墓贼共有13个,被抓后都被处死了...  confused_rev emoticon

我继续看...什么?现代超音波探测了古墓没有盗洞???那盗墓贼的金银珠宝 💰
 💍 💎 💵 👑 是哪里来的???

回头一看,他又歪倒在那里。 colonthree emoticon

“嘿,起来啦,去刷牙洗脸睡觉,快点!” 😻

“吓?他讲到哪里了?” 🐸


“哦...哦.... 呼.... 呼... 呼...” *Live上演<1秒钟入睡案>* 😹

我瞄准大腿“啪”一声给他hoot下去,commander 的口吻:“快点起来,立正!去刷牙洗脚睡觉!!!” 👿

他顿然弹起来,飘着去洗刷,飘过来和我道晚安,然后飘着进睡房~ devil emoticon



声量越来越小声的他说:“我要打电话report 家暴......”

“哈,你这个..." 我话还没说完,他下一秒就睡得好甜好甜~ 😹


squint emoticon 😌 upset emoticon pacman emoticon


和看鬼片一样道理。三更半夜的,没事没事不要看记录片。 嘻嘻...

Saturday, 20 June 2015


三更半夜去超市买菜,他懒洋洋的推着推车看我选菇、选菠菜、选豆腐… 😄

走到靠近柜台时,我说我还需要去买药材和豆类,他整个丧尸那样用脚甩着拖鞋走… 🎃

突然间,他一个不小心太用力的把拖鞋甩离了他的脚! 💢

见机不可失,我马上Cristiano Ronaldo上身,左右脚交替带球,把他的鞋带到2米远去!哈哈哈哈! 

回头看看他那无奈的脸+金鸡独立的站在那边,我问他:“嘿~你傻傻的站在那边做什么哦?” 😝

他没好气的说:“你踢啦踢啦,踢进老鼠洞老鼠跑出来咬你。” 🐭

我一边哈哈笑,一边把鞋踢到他身边去。 👟

他穿好了鞋,以一百米冲刺的速度冲过来,掐住我的脖子晃啊晃啊晃,大吼:“哇~~~你这个坏蛋鬼~~~” devil emoticon


来,我现在要去看香料… 😸

— feeling 很坏蛋.

Monday, 15 June 2015

¡Oh, Cake!

Part 2:

So he came back before the dinner is ready. I was sitting in the living room reading book, I told him: "Dinner is not ready yet, maybe you can eat the cake first."

"Oh???" He was literally running into the kitchen and check on the oven.

Running and jumping out from the kitchen with the tray of cake and a knife in his hands, he was filled with joy.

"Yo Yo Yo Yo, you bake me cake!!!!" *Smiling from ear to ear*

That joyful moment of him makes the whole mess in the kitchen worth! tongue emoticon

*Refer Part 1 for full story*  Hehe...

Part 1:

He was saying: "Oh, how I wish when I got home from the university one day, someone has already bake me a cake 🍰 ." when we were out yesterday.

So this "someone" is baking him a cheese cake, just to grant him a wish comes true. kiki emoticon

Dear oven, please be nice to me. tongue emoticon

Monday, 8 June 2015

School Day with Daddy, Opsss...

This morning was my first time to travel with public transportation to the training course venue after many years.

He escorted me throughout the 2 hour ride and sent me until the main entrance of the hotel, watched me to enter the correct banquet room before he left. Along the way, he held my hand, took my backpack with him and told me he feels like he is sending his daughter to school. Hahahahaha!

After a reverse long ride I decided to curi-curi take before he has chance to come and pick me, he was there waiting patiently for my arrival, picked me right away, brought me for dinner and sent me home.

I told him I am familiar with the route now and I can go alone tomorrow. He smiled and replied: "No, no, it is my duty to send my daughter to school. I must hand her personally to the teacher before I go to work..." @.@

Should I give him a chance to practice his duty? LOL!!!

— feeling lovely.

Friday, 5 June 2015














注:着草* 为“跑路”的粤语说法。